Ragg Cleaning

All about culture

Community Guidelines

At RAGG, our objective is to make users lives easier. Our community guidelines are made to make RAGG a safe platform to use for all users. By accepting RAGG's terms and conditions, all of RAGG's users are required to follow these guidelines. Thank you for joining us in making our platform a safer and engaging environment.


* RAGG expects full transparency from both the client and cleaner.


* Do not show any hostile behavior to one another

* Do not use racial slurs, profanity, or any insults with one another

* It is prohibited to touch ANYONE inappropriately

* Be professional at all times!


* Do not hesitate to call 911 If needed.

For our clients

When providing our cleaners with an address, please provide our cleaners with the accurate address. RAGG expects the treatment to our cleaners to be anything but disrespectful. RAGG provides the opportunity to rate our cleaners on a one-to five stars scale. Any type of abuse reported will be investigated and dealt with accordingly and will lead to being banned from the platform. Please be sure to communicate with our cleaners if you have any questions or concerns. No illegal activity is allowed.

For our cleaners

RAGG expects our cleaners to show professional behavior. Follow the instructions given by the client accordingly. When at a home providing the service, do not go into areas that you are not allowed to be in. Do not take or steal any of the client's belongings. Do not damage any client's property. Communicate with the client if you have any questions or concerns. Please do not hesitate to report an issue with RAGG. No illegal activity is allowed. Any illegal or inappropriate behavior reported will be investigated and can lead to being banned from the platform. RAGG believes in you!