Ragg Cleaning

Trustworthy professionals

How does Ragg work?

Step 1 - Input your cleaning details

You can input the details of the cleaning service you require. This will typically include information such as the size of your home, the type of cleaning you need, and any specific instructions you have.


Step 2 - Set your desired price

Next, you'll set all the options you need and the desired price for the cleaning service. This is the amount of money you're willing to pay for the service.


Step 3 - Submit your bid

Once you've inputted your cleaning details and set your desired price, you'll submit your bid. This bid will be visible to local cleaners who are registered and vetted after submitting your bid, local cleaners will review the details of the cleaning job you've posted and will have the option to accept the job.


Step 4 - Await cleaning service

Once the booking is confirmed, all you need to do is wait for the cleaning service to take place. Be sure to provide any necessary instructions or access to your property to the cleaner.


Say goodbye to the hassle and stress of cleaning your home and hello to a beautifully cleaned space that you can enjoy.

All our financials transaction are managed by Stripe and checkr for all our bakground checks.